David Alleyne || Prodigy

David Alleyne is a mutant from Chicago with the ability to telepathically take in skills and information other people have. He has been in the New mutants, New X-Men, X-Factor and Young Avengers.


New Mutants (2003) #6-13
New X-Men Vol. 2 #1-15 (Pre-house of M) Tw death
Academy X: Yearbook
New X-Men Vol. 2 #16-46 tw graphic death, fictional bigotry based on irl
Generation Hope #9-15
Young Avengers #6-15
Original Sins #1-5
X-factor #1-9 tw death
Marvel Voices: Pride Intro + 'Colossus'
Trial of Magneto (ongoing)

Minor Appearences

X-Men (1991) #202 + 206 & 207
Nation X
X-Force (2008) #26 & 27
Deadpool Vol 4 #16 & 17
X-men: second coming #29-31
Avengers Academy #29
Civil War 2: Choosing Sides #2
America (2017) #1-4 & 8-11
New Mutants: Dead Souls #1, 3, 4 & 6
Marvel Voices 'Drive'
Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling
Empyre: Aftermath
Black Panther 2018 #23 & 24
New Mutants (2018) #16